Monday, September 6, 2021

A Good Listen/Read - Keto Clarity

I found a great book on Audible that I thought I would share about here on my blog. Although written in 2014 this book has a lot of great information that is still useful and valid today. It basically takes all the myths and misleading information out of the Keto Diet! Dr. Eric Weldman is co-author of this book. He also wrote End Your Carb Confusion. The book I am basing my eating plan from. 

There is a lot more detailed information about the Keto diet in Keto Clarity. It helped give me a better understanding of the Keto diet and Ketosis. It also helped explain why this diet is not used like it should be by more doctors to heal common ailments rather then using expensive drug treatments and other medical procedures. 

The book is quite eye opening and a good read! The information provided in this book has inspired me to stick to this way of eating for the long term. It is clearly beneficial for our health as human beings and it is a shame that so many have criticized the Keto diet as unhealthy and dangerous!

The Keto Diet is gaining in popularity. A fad? Perhaps, but hopefully people will see the benefits of such a diet and the word about it's benefits will start to grow and it will become more common rather then just being another passing fad. 

I plan to have blood tests done in the spring at my annual physical and we shall see what the results are then! I will be curious to see where my cholesterol, my LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol), are doing. My cholesterol is not high by any means but it will be interesting to see if it goes down or goes up. My gut tells me it will probably go down or remain the same. It will also be interesting to see how this diet effects my HDL. I was always told the only way to bring it up was to exercise. According to the experts, the Keto Diet can also bring it up. 

I am pretty healthy for being obese. Aside from obesity & arthritis and some other minor ailments I am doing fine, for now. My whole reason for doing this is to lose weight and stay healthy so I don't end up on a bunch of medication and immobile when I get older.  I want to be healthy and active for as long as I can be and avoid as many medications as I can. I am a true believer in being in charge of my own destiny and that includes where I am destined to go with my health as I get older. 

I am not really sure how my doctor will react to me being on this diet, but I plan to stick with it either way. I don't plan on telling her until my annual check up in the spring, so we will have to wait until then to find out! 

I'm only about a third of the way through this book but am finding it quite informative. I look forward to learning more details about the Keto Diet in this book! 

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