Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The Ugly - eating the last couple of days has not been great at all! I feel like once the weather gets nice, all I want to do is eat! I had over 3200 calories yesterday and nearly 2700 calories on Friday! I am clearly not having a good start to my week.

The Bad - Part of it is I think I am frustrated with all the hard work I put in the past two weeks with no results. Instead of losing, I just gained! So my motivation is in the whole right now. It's hard to put in the effort when you are not sure it's even going to work. How do you dig out of that feeling of "screw it, it's not working anyway"!

The Good - the good news is I know I have it in me to keep going. I just need to dig deep and get myself out of this temporary slump. I have to remember where I came from and be proud of where I am today!

I think sometimes I give myself too big of a goal and then I set myself up for failure. So with that said I am changing my goal to just get to the 170's. I'm not even going to think about the 160's right now!!! Then all future goals with be in 5 pound increments.

Gone are the days of dropping 10 pounds in a month. The smaller I get the harder it has become! So baby steps are what I need to work for to get to my ultimate goal. I don't need to lose it fast! Slow and steady wins the race! ;)

Sometimes just writing these thoughts down helps me get through the rough times and brings the motivation back! Now I just need to try to end this week on a positive note!

Up Again! UGH!

Up 1.5 pounds and frustrated! Shouldn't have gained at all. Just when you think things are figured out, it changes. Not sure what is causing my gains but will try to work hard this week to start dropping again! I didn't have the best week, but should have dropped what I gained last week and then some. Not giving up!

Up .3 Pounds!

Was up .3 pounds this week. A little frustrated as I worked for a 2 pound loss. I started my period and I feel quite bloated so I'm hopeful that is all it is and I will drop in the next day or two. It's always frustrating when you work hard with no results! BUT I just have to soldier on and not give up!

The Ups & Downs Of Weight Loss

The Ups & Downs Of Weight Loss - I've had a pretty good week deficit wise and for some reason I am up 2 pounds so far this week! I'm thinking it might be due to my sodium content on Tuesday. I fast today and will do my best and hope the weight drops tomorrow! I have my fingers crossed!! Going to drink lots of water today to flush out my system!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

New Goal - 169.9 Here I Come!!

New Goals - Well my new goal is to try to get to 169.9 by time I go on vacation on June 22! That gives me 7 weeks and plenty of time to do it AS LONG AS I stay on track! My goal is to try to drop about 2 pounds a week!

My week did not start out super great, but I'm trying to recover from date night. I had about 3000 calories on Friday which was my date night with my hubby. :P We went to the movies and I have to have my popcorn you know! ;)

So yesterday I had a light calorie day to make up for it. I think I did very well and hope to still be on track to lose 2 pounds this week! So far I am about 500 calories behind due to my date night. I think I can make up most of that the next few days! I will need to work a little harder a couple more days to make up for my one day of splurging! But I got this!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Down 2 More Pounds! Woohoo!!

I am down 2 pounds this week! That feels so good. Just .4 pounds from getting into the 170's! Woohoo! My goal is to try to get into the 160's before my June vacation and try to stay in the 160's all summer long! I CAN do this!!

Kick Butt Week 3 (Rerun) Day 7

4/30/15 - Kick Butt Week 3 (Rerun) Day 7 - I did pretty well yesterday. Had just under a 1000 calorie deficit! I've been having the wicked nibbles when I first get home at night and tend to snack on a few things before dinner. I got to get that under control!

I am fasting today and will do my best to make it a good one! I'd like to see a 2 pound drop this week! Fingers crossed. I've been doing well so far this morning! It's not easy and I have to take one day at a time. But it is so worth the results!

Kick Butt Week 3 (Rerun) Day 6

April 29, 2015 Kick Butt Week 3 (Rerun) Day 6 - I did ok yesterday. Ended up with a 500 calorie deficit!  I ended up buying tamales (I love tamales) at Costco and we had that for dinner along with some Multigrain Artisian Bread from Costco! Those darn taste testers!!! LOL!

So my calorie consumption was a bit higher then I would have liked yesterday. But I will try my best today to keep it within l my allowed limits!

Kick Butt Week 3: Day 5

April 28, 2015 - Kick Butt Week 3 (Rerun) Day 5 - I had a pretty good day yesterday! Managed to stick under 700 calories! Not too bad really since I had a very long day. Morgan had a soft ball game and I didn't eat until after 7:30pm last night. I did have a small snack to hold me over and that is why my calories are a bit up for fasting day!

Good news is I am down .4 pounds (181.9) this morning! Considering I've been stuck at 182.3 for 3 weeks, this is awesome news! I just need to keep at it and hope for a good drop by Friday!!
I am off to run lots of errands today on my day off! But that should help me stay on track today. I will do a Costco, Walmart & Outlet Bakery run today. I will have my favorite lunch and stop at Moe's! Yummy!!!