Monday, March 11, 2024

My Body Is Finally Complaining! LOL

Well I went up a little this morning! My body is finally questioning what is up and probably going into defense mode! Lol! Obviously, when I have a stand still it's not always easy to figure out why. If I continue with getting stuck around the same weight the next couple of days I may be facing a plateau. If that is the case, I will do what I can to break through it. 

Here's how I did: 

My Weight This Morning: 183 Up .06 lbs. 


Sunday Meals: 

Water:  88 oz

Diet Coke: 3

Exercise: 30 Minutes Walking, Dancing (3)

On a positive note, I did get in my 3 days of exercise last week! I ate well yesterday but was surprised that my deficit wasn't enough with exercising yesterday. I thought for sure I would have been right within my budget. Oh well, I tried. LOL! 

I'm trying (and succeeding) to not get upset over my last couple of weigh ins. I know all too well from experience that my weight can fluctuate. The important thing is I don't take that information, run with it, and say screw it I'm just going to eat what I want today! Because I have let the scale play with my head in the past, decided to eat out of frustration, then regret it later. Not today!! I have honestly stuck to my plan every day and have not faultered at all! I know the minute I do, it will be more tempting to do it over and over again and that makes this process take way longer then I would like! I'm old enough and have enough experience to know I need to avoid doing that going forward.

I know I have debated about hopping on that scale everyday, but honestly I think it is good to have a daily record so I can possibly see trends and figure out what is up if I end up in a plateau. So for now, I'll continue to weigh in daily. I need to learn to not be afraid of the scale. If I know I've done everything I'm supposed to, then I need to learn not to take it so personally or get disappointed. Fluctuations are going to happen whether I like it or not. The scale is a tool, not a punishment when it doesn't go in the direciton I want it to. The key is I can't give up and keep giving it my best! Right?! Eventally the weight begins to go back in the right direction, I just need to be patient! Ok, now to remind myself of all this right after I weigh in! LOL

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