Sunday, March 17, 2024

3 Weeks In & Feelin' Fantastic Despite A Possible Plateau!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I am feeling fantastic today even though my weekend weigh in's have not gone well. Yesterday I did not gain or lose and this morning I was up almost 3 pounds! I was in a rush this monring to get out the door so I didn't record my weight but I think I was 184.2. Honestly, I just lauged after seeing that number & shook my head. Then I let it go right out of my head. I'm confident it will fall back down quickly and then some! I had a busy day of cleaning yesterday but I didn't over eat. I did however have a lot of sodium. Tried some corn beef yesterday and so that was loaded with sodium. But what  was the real cause of my weight gain is really hard to say. But despite this little hiccup in my weight I feel absolutely fabulous today! 

I am going to try keeping my eating pretty basic for the next few days and see how that goes. I definately will stay away from high sodium foods in the next few days. I had lots of sodium and didn't really drink enough water yesterday. My corn beef was a test of what I am cooking tonight for the family being it's St Patricks Day. I always cook something with corn beef. I will plan to pass on the corn beef tonight or have a small serving. My carbs were a little high the last few days and I will keep them under 20 going forward this week as well. 

I did not manage to fast yesterday. Because I am most likely not adapted yet, my body is not always ready to fast when I want to. I find once I am Keto Adapted it's pretty easy to fast twice a week. But yesterday, my body wasn't having it. I have learned to listen to my body when it comes to eating. I was hungry so I ate. 

I had a busy day of cleaning for several hours yesterday. So I got plenty of exercise! That might also be why my body was asking for food! I had over 80 active minutes on my fitbit yesterday! Even though it did not count on my Fitbit as actual exercise, I sure did! 

I have now successfully been on my Keto Diet Take 2 for 3 weeks now and I am down 13 pounds (Not including my weight gain today)! Again, not including my gain this morning, I am down .06 pounds for the week! Quite mediocre, but it is what it is. I just need to keep moving forward and be glad I haven't faultered and have been sticking to my plan really well! Why am I not counting today? That weight doesn't exist in my mind. LOL I would be shocked if I don't drop back down by tomorrow, especially if I am more careful today! 

Clearly I am going through some type of plateau. A plateau can be frustrating. Just ask anyone who has tried losing weight. It's like a brick wall that is hard to break down! But I have gotten through them before. I wouldn't have lost 100 pounds if I hadn't. Whether we like it or not, it's a matter iof when not if it will happen! I have dropped a lot of weight in my first two weeks, so like I said, I do feel my body is rejecting giving up anymore weight right now. I need to be patient and give it time, the weight will start coming off before I know it. 

But what can I do to help break though this plateau? Keep my sodium at bay. Eat no more then the recommended max of 2300 mg of sodium.  At my age I need at least 1300 mg per day. Drink plenty of water. Keep my carbs under 20 grams everday. Do not eat more then my burn minus my 1000 calorie deficit. Stick to whole foods and less processed meats this week. Hopefully if I pay strict attention to all these details a decent drop is in my future! 

Friday Meals:  

Saturday Meals: 

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