I really need to take the time to anaylzye & refocus at this point so I can be successful! I reviewed some of my older posts and it seems that most of my plateaus were food related! Some of the signs that I am eating the wrong food is I get hungry when I get home and want to snack immediately! Well that has returned this week so clearly some of the foods I have enjoyed over the weekend and the last few days are beginning to sabatoge my progress! I was just starting to drop down again and then I went a way for the weekend! I have no regrets though. We did great with our eating and really enjoyed ourselves! The key is, if I enjoy a few of my troublesome low carb foods while on a trip, I need to be sure to cut them out of my diet immediately once I return home! Because it is nice to enjoy a few of those items but not for too long!
Anaylze - I need to make sure I stay away from sugar free Jello, nuts, peanuts, popcorn, yogurt and cottage cheese! The 3 last foods on my list I have stayed away from. But the nuts and Jello have snuck back into my diet! I really really really need to get those foods out of my diet right now! The only exception will be Easter when we use almond flour in our biscuits & I plan to have Chocolate Covered Jordon Almonds. But Monday, they will be gone from my diet again. That's a promise!!
Refocus - I need to really stay focused on what I am eating and recognize if my habbits change. It seems I usually can spot issues once I begin to crave things again. I really do want this weight loss so I will change my diet and keep these foods out for as long as I can. I do think I can have these foods but I can't let them become a habit. They need to be a once and awhile treat, like Easter, until I lose all the weight! Fluctuating up and down, within reason, once I meet my weight goal is fine, but I'm not going to lose weight doing that at this rate!
Succeed - I will succeed and get to my goal! I have no doubt about that. But the only way I am going to do that is if I make these changes so I can break this plateau! Hopefully this is the reason for my plateau and these changes will yield some results in the next couple of weeks! Here's hoping that April goes much better!!