Thursday, January 23, 2020

My Old Scale Is The Cause Of My Insanity!

01/23/20 - Ok, so the fluctuations I have been dealing with over the last 2 weeks have been driving me a bit crazy! Especially the large jumps up and down!

So this morning I wanted to weigh on my old scale and my new one so I can figure the difference between the 2. I weighed in first on my old scale at:

I was like, holy cow! I dropped! Hopped on my new scale and was 249.4! What?! 6 pounds difference. That seems like a lot even between two scales. So I hopped on my old one again and got this:

Ok, now I am higher. What the heck. So I tried one more time and put the scale back where it was originally in the bathroom for good measure. I had moved it over slightly because of the new scale. And this popped up!

Ok really?! This is annoying! I hopped on a couple more times and it stuck with the 248.6 so I am sticking with that number! We got this old scale from someone who left it in storage. Plus, my son has been caught playing on it more then once! My new scale fluctuated a little. By just .02 so not bad. But after trying the new scale a few times this was the number that came up pretty much every time. 

So about a 1/2 pound difference from my other scale. I will use the old and new scale Saturday morning as one final reference but will switch over to the new scale only after that. 

I always have had fluctuations in my weight but the past couple of weeks have been really frustrating. Especially the large jumps up and down like I mentioned earlier. So I am really hoping I will get better consistency with this new scale. I know I will fluctuate as I did when I used my WII, but hopefully not by 5 pound increments in a day anymore! LOL!

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