Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Took "A Break" From My Steps On Monday!

I had a decent fast day on Monday. Had about 750 calories! Over I know, but I still think I did well considering I was tired from my long weekend! We went out to eat for a steak dinner and that is why my calories went a bit over. But after my long weekend, it was really  nice not having to cook dinner on Monday night!  I chose not to try to get in my step count Monday as I haven't taken a break from that since I started carefully watching my steps a couple of weeks ago. I did manage to get in over 6700 steps in either case!

wink male smiley smile

Yesterday I did great with my steps and managed to walk a whopping 13000 steps! Which more then makes up for my lack of steps Monday! LOL! I ate about 1800 calories which is great considering yesterday was my day off and my official "cheat day"!

OK, so I know I shouldn't keep weighing myself and should only do it once a week, but I couldn't resist and did yesterday since I fasted on Monday. I was down to 203.7! Yay!!

I'm on a roll! Now I need to do my best to keep going!


  1. Way to go, Blanca! WOW! I know at this point you can literally SMELL the 200 (and below) mark, can't you?? You've been doing MOST excellent. SO very proud of you. And you did exceptionally well during your retreat, too!!!

  2. Thanks Wendy!! I am feeling so motivated right now! Yes, ONEderland is so close I can smell it for sure! LOL! You have been such an inspiration and an important source of support for me on my weigh loss journey and I so appreciate it! (((HUGS)))!
