Thursday, November 13, 2014

So Close I Can Taste It!!!!

So I was a bad girl this morning and weighed myself AGAIN! There are worse things I could do I suppose!

shy shy timid timorous

But I am soooo glad I did! I am down to 203 pounds! Yay!! Woohoo!!!

I fasted yesterday, a day earlier then usual. My mother-in-law was coming to stay with us and I was supposed to pick her up today so I didn't want to be fasting. Well, since my whole family has had this stomach bug, she decided to post pone coming until next week. She is 84 so I think this is a good idea as I don't want us to give her this horrible bug!

So I have done my fasting for the week and have got it out of the way. Which is not a bad thing. I had a good fast day yesterday. I ate under 650 calories. Which was actually good. The average fast day for a woman should be about 500 calories. But they say it should be about a 1/4 of your normal calorie burn. Since I have been averaging about 2800 calorie burn a day, I figured a few extra calories would be ok.

I am really going to try to stay focused and hope to reach my goal to get to ONEderland by Thanksgiving! I can do this!!!

Happy smiley, Thanksgiving smiley, thanksgiving smiley, holiday smiley, greetings smiley


  1. Holy smokes, you ARE on a roll!!! Many congrats again!!! YAYYY! I am so happy for you, Blanca!

    How are you feeling? Do you feel like your body is changing / has changed?

    On Saturday we are going to a Mongolian Buffet, where I DO plan on binge on shrimp to my hearts' content. Simple shrimp....stir fried, with fresh veggies. YUMMY!

    Let's rock on from here, you are just about there, my friend. :D

  2. Thanks Wendy! I am so ecstatic right now! Can't wait to see how I feel when I hit 199!!! Hee Hee! And like you, I feel really good and I totally feel my body changing. I am looking so slim in my clothes! Even my two spare tires are slowly shrinking! It's nice to look in the mirror and be proud of what I see!

    Oh boy, that Mongolian Buffet sounds yummy! Sounds like you have a good game plan. Shrimp is very low in calorie so enjoy!!

    Rock on we shall! ;)
