For those who may not know this (if you are a good friend or family member, you would definitely know this ;) LOL!) I am a HUGE fan of Rick Springfield! I have been a fan for 33 years! I have bought every album he has produced over the years. And for those of you who have not followed him, he has had a lot of albums over the years. He has continued playing music since the 80's! He has a great following of devoted fans like myself!
I managed to meet him when he was doing a show in Las Vegas in 2002. I purchased a guitar at the show. You go back stage, meet him and talk with him while he signs the guitar. My mom came with me to that wonderful moment in my life 12 years ago! It was one of the best experience I ever had and I will never forget it.
Well my daughter Morgan has begun to enjoy his music as well. No surprise as mommy plays it all the time! LOL! So when I heard he was coming to Rutland, VT, I decided to take her to the show. It was last night. This was his Stripped Down show which was just him and his guitar. No band and it was mostly a sit down event. Unlike his full band shows where you stand most of the concert!
One of the things on my bucket list was to have Morgan meet him one day. The fact that she enjoys his music could not make me happier and so I wanted her to meet the man I have admired for so many years. I hadn't plan on meeting him last night but here is what happened.
We arrived at the concert and I saw they had offered the guitar meet and greet once again, like in Vegas. I knew that you could purchase this online before the show, but was unsure if I wanted to take the plunge. I began to think about it during the show. He is 65 years old and I don't know when his next show will be that is close enough for us to attend. So I figured it was now or never and why wait at this point?! It was something I wanted to do either way. I had the means and the opportunity so why not take advantage of that! I also thought "What happens if something prevented us from doing it in the future?" I didn't want to miss this opportunity! So it was now or never in my mind! And after watching him perform I decided to go for it!
Morgan enjoyed the show, did have a few moments of boredom, but for the most part she did enjoy it. The pace was not like a normal concert so I knew that may happen. But she seemed to enjoy the show in either case. So after the show I asked her if she wanted to get a guitar, have him sign it and meet him. I think she was tired and didn't know what I was asking her at first. We hung around a minute and then suddenly she asked "Wait Mommy, what do you mean about the guitar? So I explained what would happen and she suddenly got very excited and said "Yes Mommy, I would like to do it". I made sure she was sure she wanted to go through with it and then promptly went over and bought the guitar. We then raced back into the theater to join the rest of the group waiting for the meet and greet!
Morgan at this point was very excited. I was very nervous when meeting Rick 12 years ago, but you know I wasn't nervous at all this time. I think I've changed a lot as a person in the past 12 years and it showed. I was comfortable with myself and it reflected in my lack of nerves. Anyway, it came to our turn and I brought Rick the guitar and told him the guitar was for my daughter Morgan. I told him I was a fan since 1981. He asked Morgan how old she was and she replied 8 years old. I don't remember his response exactly but he gave her a big smile. I explained to him that Morgan enjoyed his music and will often ask me to play his music in the car. He then bumped fists with her and said "Awesome". He signed the guitar and we then took a group shot of the 3 of us. Before the picture he told Morgan "I like your boots." Morgan was wearing her bogs. I told him he needed to get himself a pair. He was complaining how cold it was during the first half of the show. LOL!
I then turned and thanked him and told him. "You get cuter every year." He then asked me to repeat myself as he didn't hear me. I said it again and poked him lightly in the belly. He gave me the biggest smile and said "Awww, thank you." I figured at 65 it would never get old to hear how good you look! LOL! ;)
When I met him in 2002 it was just him, his assistant and my mother and I. There were a lot more people waiting to see him so we didn't get much time with him this time around. BUT I forgot to have him sign my t-shirt I was wearing. So I boldly got back in line! LOL!
I walked up to him once again and told him I forgot to have him sign my shirt and would he please do so. He gladly said "Sure, I will sign your shirt." and then I asked if I could get a picture of just the two of us. Again, very willing and happy to! As I was turning to take a photo with him his assistant (that was taking the picture) happened to say I want some chocolate! I then told them I just happen to make chocolate for a living! I turned to Rick and said, "Do you like chocolate? Because if you do, give me your address and I will mail you some." LOL! Of course with a big smile on my face! I didn't expect him to take me up on that offer. He just had a big smile on his face. LOL! He is actually rather shy in person. I may send him some and include this above pic so he remembers who I am. If I find the time of course! My life is so crazy busy these days! I again thanked him very much for the picture.
As Morgan and I was getting ready to head out his assistant said the "f" word. His assistant realized right away he shouldn't have with Morgan there. But I loved how Rick said to him. "Kids!" and gave him this look. I reassured both of them that Morgan knows not to say words like that. LOL!
It was a brief encounter but a great one and I know it is something Morgan and I will cherish for a lifetime. She is excited to get my guitar out of my office upstairs. We will hang them together proudly in our living room or dinning room in the next week or two!
As for the concert itself, it was much better then I was expecting! I thought it would be just him and his guitar singing more ballets then his regular stuff. I love his guitar driven pop rock songs. He is an excellent guitar player. I took a few videos and will try to post them later. The show turned out to be a major jam session! I loved it. There were some slow spots while he was telling stories. All of us adults loved them, but they were a bit over Morgan's head and so those are the moments she got bored. Many people don't know that Rick has a great sense of humor. So the show was quite funny. He told some pretty hilarious stories about his life. It was an awesome show and so much more then I expected and just as enjoyable for me as his full band concerts!
Here are a few more pics:
My signed t-shirt! |

Morgan waiting to have her guitar signed! |
Waiting for the show to start. |
Outside of the theater! |
Before the show started. |
Picture of him performing. My phone took awful pictures! :( |
Rick during his audience questions and answer session. |