Princess came into our lives very unexpectedly yesterday afternoon. I often participate in fundraisers for Homeward Bound, Addison Counties Humane Society. Well they were dropping off the "Have A Heart" fundraiser materials to me yesterday at lunch time. It's a program where my customers can purchase a heart for a $1.00 and then add a name on the heart and we hang them up in the shop. 100% of the proceeds go to Homeward Bound. So come into the shop and get yours today! ;)
Anyway, Hannah (from Homeward Bound) brought Princess in to the shop to drop off the materials. I looked down at her and knew I had seen her before in an add for Homeward Bound. Hannah began to tell me what a great dog she was. So I came over and said hello. This girl won my heart! My dog Pepper passed away 8 years ago. We put off getting a dog because we had small children and we own a business. But I knew in my heart of hearts I wanted to try to get a dog this year. I had waited long enough!
Princess fit all my criteria in a dog I was looking for. I wasn't planning on looking right now, but I knew what I wanted. I wanted a short hair dog that was at least 2 years old. She needed to be on the small side with a very easy going personality. A dog that gets along with everyone. Princess is an absolute sweet heart and was a perfect match for us!
Homeward Bound had her for two months! I couldn't get over it. She is a great dog but had one issue that I think stopped people from adopting her. She is aggressive toward other dogs and cats. So the home she went to had to have no cats or dogs. That was an easy one for us. We know that this could be challenging but are determined to work with her.
Brad was not in the shop when she came to visit, but I was determine to advocate for this little girl and see if he would be willing to adopt her. He had been the most hesitant about getting another dog. Although, he loves dogs, he just wanted to make sure we could handle the responsibility along with our others.
Well we had a heart to heart and he agreed to meet her. I was super excited so I planned on picking up the kids from school and called Homeward Bound and asked if they could bring her back to the shop for another visit. Everyone instantly fell in love with her. So after just a short while after her visit, Brad told me it was ok to go up and get her. I did not waste anytime and raced up to Homeward Bound to adopt her. Everyone at Homeward Bound was so excited that Princess was finally going to a good home. They all agreed that she was a super sweet!
We brought her home and she did very well! She listens really well and has done well with the birds. She is very curious but learns quickly and is a good listener. The birds are curious and cautious with her, but I think it will all be good. We will ALWAYS take the necessary precautions to keep ALL our pets safe now that we have a dog. I think it was fate that brought her into our lives yesterday!
She came from a home that had other dogs and they had to give her up because she was getting into fights with the other dog(s). Homeward Bound did not get a whole lot of info on her. But we do think she may have been hit by a man because she seems a little hesitant when my husband pets her head. But I know once she sees the loving kind man he is, she will get over that quickly. All in all she follows both Brad and I everywhere. She is so loving and has been great with the kids!
She does need some training and we hope to work with her to correct some minor behavior issues. But we look forward to working with her. She knows sit pretty well and come. So that is a good start!
She came to Homeward Bound with the name of Princess. I am not real keen on the name as I don't think it fits her. Morgan liked it so we thought we would add to the name so we came up with Princess Bella! Morgan picked that one out! Everyone loves the name so much that I think we will drop the Princess once she gets used to Bella.
We are so pleased and excited that Bella has come into our lives! We look forward to many happy years with her! She is truly a gift and we feel so fortunate to have her a part of our lives! Here are some great pictures of her first night at home.

Oh Blanca, what an absolute heart warming story! I have goosebumps all over! Princess Bella (LOVE the name) is a GORGEOUS girl, and I'm so happy she's found the best home she could have ever hoped for! I am thrilled for all of you!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Wendy! We are so blessed to have her. She really is a sweetheart! I am already starting to spoil this girl! It's so easy! Such a loving and deserving dog! :)
DeleteYou spoil away! She deserves ALL the spoiling and ALL the loving in the world!! Where are you doing your shopping??? I'll email you some sites where I've bought TONS of stuff for my doggies, all right? ;) And please...keep the pictures coming. :D It's non uncommon that dogs can have dog aggression, BTW, especially females.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the links Wendy! I posted this same post on my birdie blog. Actually, that is what I meant to do, but did it here by accident! LOL! I will be updating the birdie blog to "The Sweet Life of A Parrot & Pooch!" So I will be journaling her life with us there as well. :)