Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 4 - New Challenges Will Arise!

So I am beginning week 4 with many new challenges ahead. But before we get into that, here is my report that shows how I did last week:

Week 3 - Body Media Summary Report

I didn't have a perfect week, but was just under my goal of having a deficit of 1000 calories per day. I fell short, but not by much. I am still proud of myself for sticking to my better eating habits. My fat was just about a 3rd of my average daily intake. I would like to get that below 30%. So I clearly have things I need to work on and improve. But with anything worth doing, it's not always easy and it is a continued work in progress.

So I have my overnight trip to Foxwoods & Mohegan Sun Casino this week. It is an annual trip I take my mom on once a year. We leave 5am Wednesday morning to meet the bus in Rutland and will get home about 11pm on Thursday night. My mom and I look forward to some mother/daughter time together with this trip.

The challenge I think is quite obvious as I receive comps to eat at a buffet at the casino as well as other comps to use toward my meals. I am determined to try to behave myself BUT also enjoy my trip and allow myself a treat here and there. I only do this once a year for my mom and I DO intend to enjoy myself without sabotaging my goals.

I will weigh in tomorrow morning and once I find out how I am doing in the weight loss department, I will come up with my calorie plan while I am away. I will allow myself extra calories, while away, so I can enjoy my trip!

 The one thing I do when I go on these trips, this being the 3rd one, is exercise a lot! While my mom is enjoying some gambling time on her own, I walk, walk, walk walk, walk! I enjoy some gambling, but won't do it the whole time I'm there. I don't like to lose money. LOL! But I enjoy putting on the MP3 player and just walking around the casino. I don't know if any of you have been to Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun, but they are like little cities and so there is plenty of space within the facility to take long walks!

I will take pictures throughout the day of how I am doing with walking and eating, while on my trip, and share them here on my blog.

Wish me luck for tomorrow's weigh in! :)


  1. You don't need luck, Blanca - you are WAY too determined, and have SUCH a great attitude, that alone is the biggest winning factor there is!

    You will have a wonderful vacation with your mom! I know how much you are looking forward to it.

    Wendy K

    1. Thanks Wendy! I feel so determined this time around. Keeping a positive attitude is certainly a key factor! As always, thank you for the wonderful support! ;)
