Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Down 4 More Pounds!! WooHoo!! Now To Make A Game Plan!

I weighed in this morning as planned and I am down 4 more pounds! I am so happy. I am using the WII to do my weigh ins. It said I was down 3.1 pounds, but my weight was 219.4 lbs. Which actually means I was down 4.1 pounds not 3. I didn't realize it until I entered my weight through bodymedia online. Not sure what was up with that, but I will verify the numbers later today to make sure I have all my ducks in a row. Maybe the WII can't do math very well. Ha Ha! I am just super excited about my weight loss! I am down a total of 8.3 lbs!

So now it's time to figure out the game plan! I am going to plan on allowing myself 2000-2500 calories a day during the 2 days on my trip. I also intend to try to hit a 1000 calorie deficit both of those days, which means I will do a LOT of walking!

Planning Ahead Is Key - I am trying to do lots of planning ahead. I will bring my own water bottle to encourage me to continue drinking water instead of soda. The bus stops at Burger King for breakfast on Wednesday and dinner on Thursday, so I have printed out the nutritional guide, from Burger King, for me to bring along, so I can make reasonable calorie choices while away. I will enjoy myself and enjoy a burger at Burger King, but it doesn't have to be a 1500 calorie burger meal when there are a lot of lower calorie alternatives! You CAN have your cake and eat it, too! All things in moderation! ;)

So now I am soooo looking forward to my trip! I will be checking in several times a day during meal and snack times, so stay tuned.....

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