Monday, January 6, 2014

Goals, Goals & More Goals!

Here are some goals I have to lose the weight:

1) Calorie goal per day: 1500 or less
2) Exercise at least 3 times a week
3) Burn at least 2700 calories per day
4) Get down to 180 lbs in 2014
5) Drink less Diet Coke
6) Eat less McDonalds
7) Eat no more then 2 pieces of chocolate a day.
8) Not to weight myself more then once a month.

My hope is to get down to 180 lbs in 2014. I haven't been 180 lbs since I was a junior in high school!! I would like to go for 160 lbs in 2015. But because I've never been 180 lbs as an adult, I want to see how that feels first. My doctor felt that this was a good way to approach figuring out a good weight for me.

I love diet coke way to much and hope to not drink it until I am under 200 lbs! Same with McDonalds. I eat there because I am busy and it's quick and easy. But not good for me. I would like to see me stay away from there until I am under 200 lbs! I am hopeful that I can do this! Fingers crossed!!

I own a large candy store and it is impossible to not each candy. Besides, everything in moderation, right? ;) My goal is to not have more then 150 calories per day in chocolate. That is 2 pieces. I've done it before, and I know I can do it again!

One of the things I've learned throughout the years is the scale can play with your head big time! So I've decided that I am not going to weigh myself more then once a month. I will go longer, if I can! I really only want to weigh myself before vacations and other events so I know where I am at. But I am done with weighing myself on a weekly basis. My weight can fluctuate a lot and all the scale does is discourage me. I'm not going to let the scale play games with my head any longer. It's scale mutiny!!

Those are my goals, now let's get this party started!

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