Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Ups & Downs Of This Journey

Monday I had a decent fast day. I took my daughter out after school to have a Mother/Daughter day. We went out to dinner and I had Pot Roast at Denny's. My calorie intake was 690. Should be around 500, so I was a bit over. She chose Denny's so I made do and I really didn't want a salad! LOL!

Tuesday I weighed in only to be up .4 pounds!

I have come to realize that the number is not so important anymore. Do I want to get under 199 by my birthday you ask? HECK YEAH! But I can do only what I can do. I'm still shooting for that goal, but if my body doesn't want to cooperate and drop the weight in a timely manner, so be it. But that doesn't not mean I will stop trying!!

I am sure I will be down by Friday. I have decided NOT to weigh myself more then once a week after Friday's weigh in. It just ticks me off and that does not help my moral! I do have a plan of action to help get that number to drop and I am hopeful it will help!

This is a TMI moment, so don't read on if you don't want to hear it! :P ~ Anyway, I have not been "regular" lately so I am going to try to really watch the fiber in my diet to get back to being "regular". They say on this fasting diet constipation can be an issue. Well it has been for me. Once a day is what is normal and I have been averaging every 2 or 3 days. So I plan to eat more greens, more fiber and try to clean out this body of mine. So I am really going to be focusing on being careful about what I eat to help with the process!

Yesterday was my cheat day. I did have a nice salad at Subway for lunch. We did go apple picking and sat and enjoyed apple cider and apple cider donuts after picking apples and buying some pumpkins. We had a great time!

We also tried Taco Tuesday at Two Brothers Tavern last night and really enjoyed the tacos! We hope to go back at least once a month! I did make the mistake of having 2 Sausage McMuffins yesterday morning. My very big weakness! I am going to allow myself to have them once a week and no more. Preferably on my cheat day and I am going to try to stick to just one. I also ended my day with a bag of Cheez It's! So I ended up with 2600 calories yesterday!! The only positive note to that is I burned almost 3000. So at least I still had a deficit!

Each day is a battle, but a battle that CAN be won!

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