Saturday, January 2, 2021

Trying Harder & Eating Healthier

I just watched a documentary called Eating You Alive. It basically talked about how eating meat, dairy and preservatives is the main cause of chronic disease in the U.S. It made a lot of sense to me. I have heard these theories before, but it hit home more this time because I know I am getting older and I am also terrified of having memory issues like my mom and sister. 

So it made me really stop and think about what I am putting in my body everyday. It was a good reminder! I have gotten better, but I want to do more. I want to try to cut back the amount of processed food in my house. Not just for me, but for my whole family. 

I want to try to make some positive changes and see how that effects me as a whole. I am going to try to eat more foods that are on a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet. I am not making a commitment to give up everything right now, but I want to give this a try on a smaller scale and see if it's doable. Especially during my 8 days on! The healthier choice I make the better! So why not see if I can handle the WFPBD even if it's done most of the time but not all of the time! 

I do know the American diet is not healthy but it's up to me to change how I eat and not allow commercials and advertising to influence my food choices! 

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