Monday, January 11, 2021

Not Eating Meat & Dairy May Not Be For Me

I won't lie, I'm already having difficulty with this new diet plan. I got my orange juice and sparkling water and I do think that could be a viable substitute for me to replace diet coke. I knew the hardest items for me to give up were going to be sour cream, cheese & butter. I have a great substitute for butter but I tried the sour cream again this morning and it didn't quite taste as good as it did last night. So not sure how that is going to go. And I'm still baffled on how I am going to replace cheese in recipes. I have a few cheese sauce recipes that I will consider trying, but if it's anything like the sour cream, I'm just not sure it is for me. I am trying to keep an open mind, but this is 51 years of eating I am trying to change. And let's face it, this is a drastic change! 

But here is my real dilemma with this. I had my orange juice drink hoping that it would ward off hunger for awhile, but I was already hungry by 10am so I had my banana bread and I'm still hungry. When I was doing my other plan, I had no issues with hunger for the most part as I ate high protein for breakfast and lunch. 

I think it is going to be real challenging to find high protein foods for me to eat in the morning to curb my hunger. I'm really starting to realize how limited this diet is without meat or dairy. I am already starting to rethink my plan but I will try to get through one day with the WFPB diet and see how the whole day goes. 

I won't call it failure if I don't continue the diet because I realized there are some things I have learned that I can do to eat healthier that I wouldn't have considered before I tried to implement this plan. Here is the plan if I decide to end the WFPB diet, start a whole foods eating plan during my "on" days that will include the following:

  • Limit processed foods in my diet just like the WFPB diet. 
  • Drink OJ & sparkling water as a replacement for diet coke
  • Stick to my high protein diet for breakfast and lunch which will include eggs, milk and protein powder. 
  • Limit sugars in my diet just like the WFPB diet. 
  • Allow myself to eat healthy meats and dairy products. 
As of right now, I'm just not feeling really positive about the WFPB diet. I'm not quitting yet, but I'm not sure I will make it passed one day. We shall see. Wish me luck! 

If anything else, at least I am trying! 

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