The New Approach ~
Since I watched the "Eating You Alive" documentary the other day I have been seriously looking into a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet (WFPB Diet). And from my research, I think it would be a doable lifestyle change for me. I am choosing to allow myself meat and dairy in moderation and will not give up either permanently. I discovered what type of "diet/lifestyle" this is called. I will be a flexitarian. Here is the definition:
The Flexitarian Diet is a style of eating that encourages mostly plant-based foods while allowing meat and other animal products in moderation.
I am certainly no vegetarian or vegan, it is just not for me. But I would like to take advantage of the benefits of eating a mostly WFPB Diet!
Why you ask? I've wanted to start getting away from processed foods because I know in my heart they can't be good for our bodies. I also know that better eating habits will improve my health and allow me to live a happier healthier life. Eating a WFPB diet helps prevent and improve chronic disease which include heart disease, stroke, cancer, arthritis, dementia and diabetes to name a few! It also can help with allergies!
I have a real fear of going through memory issues like my mom and sister. That is enough for me to really want to start putting better things into my body. Here is a list of issues I currently have that I hope will improve with this new diet:
- Some minor memory issues including switching my words. (Developed a few years ago)
- Arthritis: Knees, back and elbows are most concerning. (I've had issues for the last few years)
- Allergies (Suffered from allergies all my life)
- Heart Burn (started this year)
- Heart PVC's (started in 2016)
Anyone that knows me knows I am NOT a pill taker! I don't like taking medication. I have a hard enough time taking ibuprofen when my plantar fasciitis acts up! So this is my way of being proactive with my life and hopefully stay off medications as much as I can!
I also drink waaaay too much diet coke and go to McDonald's everyday and really would like to see myself cut back in both of those areas!
The Plan ~
8 Days On/1 Day Off
I am going to utilize this new diet with the same system I am doing now, 8 days on and 1 day off. My 8 days on will now be following the WFPB diet and my one day off will be available to eat what I want.
Summer - Summer I will allow myself 2 days off per week with 5 days on. Summer will be from June-August.
Vacation - Vacations will be 1 day off and 1 day on throughout the vacation week.
Holidays - I will plan to allow myself 2 days off during major holidays, just like I did for Christmas & New Years.
With that said, I will continue to avoid heavily processed food on my off days. But yes, I will allow myself my diet coke! Unless I find myself no longer craving it and can find alternatives I actually like.
80% On The WFPB Diet
After doing some calculating, I should be on the WFPB diet at least 80% of the time! That is even with our planned vacations and allowing myself more days in the summer months! I feel if you do something like this 80% of the time, it should have some good benefits!
I really want to see how this new lifestyle effects me physically and emotionally. I also want to debunk the myth that it is going to cost me more to eat like this. From what little I have looked into so far, it doesn't seem all that more expensive. If anything, it will probably be cheaper! But we shall see! I will be posting updates and price comparisons on the blog as I go!
When Do I Start ~
So you are probably wondering when I'm going to get started! My next off day is this Sunday. My hope is to order an Instant Pot and Air Fryer this week via Amazon as they will be great tools for this lifestyle. I should get them before next week. Then I need to go to the grocery store this week and get everything I need. If all goes to plan, I will start next Monday!
I'm actually quite excited to get started on this new lifestyle! Next stop the grocery store! Stay tuned!