Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Day 50 & 51: Let's Just Say It's Been A Challenging Week!

 Here's how my "on" days have measured up so far:

Saturday Ate 1558 Calories & Burned 2356 Caloires

Sunday Ate 1410 Caloires & Burned 2169 Calories

Monday Ate 1521 Calories & Burned 2903 Calories

Tuesday Ate 1372 Caloires & Burned 2520 Calories

At first I was thinking I wasn't having a great few days but looking at this I realize I have done pretty good! I have had a challenging time this week and I think a lot of it has to do with all the goodies laying around the house. It's been challenging, but I realize I have kept my nibbling to a minimum! Yes, my calories are up by a little bit, but considering the circumstances I would still call these days a win! 

This was supposed to be time for me to relax so I can't sweat the fact that my calorie burn was really low on a few of these days, either. I have today left and then I can weigh in tomorrow! I am nervous and just hope I have at least maintained and not gained! Fingers crossed! 

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