Thursday, August 1, 2024

KETO Effects Journal Day 7

Yesterday was a busy day. I again had way too many carbs. I had 148 carbs & 1848 calories. I really got to get a grip on my carbs. I did have a fun day out with my daughter getting some of the last remaining things she needs for college. I do think the days I have cut back have been beneficial. My surges were high yesterday. I did have a couple of word mess ups and back pain this morning after driving all day to run errands. I find long drives & using the recliner seem to be my triggers for back pain. I will be curios to see if lowing my carbs more will help with that. 

Calories: 1848

Carbs: 148

Weight: Forgot to weigh in. 

S. Drive: High

Pain: None

Speech: 2 incidents.  

Mood: Not great in the morning but better in the afternoon/evening. 

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