Saturday, August 24, 2024

Full Fast Done!

 I did a full fast yesterday. I'm hoping this fast will last about 22 hours or more. I started it at 1pm yesterday. I will probably eat around 10am or so. I was right on target to where I want to be with eating yesterday and I am down to 188.4 this morning! 

I'm already feeling the effects of less carbs in my diet. It has been easier for me to fast. Even though I had a couple of higher days, but no more then 50, I can see that the lower numbers around 20 are quite effective in helping with the cravings. Plus, I've been trying to focus on getting on an exercise routine. I did over 10K steps yesterday and 90 minutes of moderate activity thanks to my archery! Hopefully I can continue in the right direction and be in the 170's again in no time!

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