Long time, no post! The week after my last post my weight was all over the place and was pretty much up to 194 before I left on vacation. I feel like I was dealing with another plateau like I dealt with in early December. It seems to be hormone related as far as I can tell.
But I kept my chin up and figured I would go on vacation, enjoy myself and then be less obsessed about the scale! LOL!
I did well on vacation. I allowed myself more carbs. The goal was to stay under 50 per day. I only had one day I went over. I am sure there were hidden carbs when eating out so I made an effort to keep my carbs at a minimum to avoid issues with that. I checked my blood levels most days and as far as I know, I was only out of ketosis one day toward the end of my vacation. Not too shabby!
Considering I discovered I can enjoy popcorn at the movies in moderation and I enjoyed some chocolate Jordon Almonds all week, I don't think I did too bad.
We came home last Friday night and I weighed in at 199.6 pounds. This was a lot higher then I expected it to be. I always gain weight on vacation and that seems to have not changed. The only difference from my shorter vacations on Keto is we walked...A LOT!
Here are my steps for the week of vacation:
Saturday 10,282
Sunday 10,000 + (I left my watch at the hotel that day so this is just an estimate based on my husband's steps. I walked more then he did so it was probably higher)
Monday 13,246
Tuesday 13,099
Wednesday 17,856
Thursday 9,563
Friday 9,266
I have not exercised that much in at least 3 months so I am wondering if some of that gain was due to inflammation. In either case, I have dropped a few pounds since Saturday morning. I am now at 195.6 pounds.
Although I was disappointed by the weight gain I am trying to not let it get to me. I really do think that I will get back to my lowest weight and be in the 180's soon!! I just have to not get discouraged and soldier on! Our bodies can be such a mystery sometimes. I don't want these little hiccups to screw my hard work up by overthinking what is going on! I know what works, I just need to keep doing it! If anything, I have to remember that I am over joyed to be as small as I am. I knew that my weight loss would probably slow down, so I just have to give my body some time to adjust and not worry when the scale doesn't go down as quickly as it had before.
Ok, that was a good pep talk to myself. LOL! Onward!