Well I was not pleased at all. I was up .9 pounds!!
I just don't get what is going on! I HAVE to be retaining water or something. Today is a fast day and I am even more determined to stay on track today. I've got to. After all it's just a number right! The reason I started this blog was to have a place to journal my in's and out's of my weight loss journey. We certainly all know that this is not an easy process and days like today certainly remind me of that.
But in the past I would let it get to me and would end up screwing up my diet. Not today my friends!! I am going to just soldier on and keep doing what I am doing. This weight is going to drop off sooner or later gosh darnit! It's not like I haven't been trying.
If anything I've been feeling really good and proud of myself for doing as well as I have. If anything, this has all been worth it for that. I feel good, I've been told I look great, so things are good. I just need to keep all of this in perspective! Sometimes hard to do, I know! But I can't give up and I HAVE to keep trying.
I've just got to keep my chin up, believe in the process and the results will come!
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