Tuesday, July 30, 2024

KETO Effects Journal Day 6

 At camp. Weighed 188.8 this morning. Hoping that is fairly accurate considering I'm using a different scale. Calories 1703 carbs 108. Had at least one word mess up. My carbs were high but I tried Fiber One Cereal. Has 33 grams carbs but 18 grams fiber. Figured it's a trade off. But my carbs were too high in either case! I'll definitely do better tomorrow!  I have had periods of anxious/restless sleep last night.

KETO Effects Journal Day 5

 Weighed in at 190.2  this morning.  Calories 1692 carbs 69. It's been a struggle getting my carbs down but I'm working on it. I had two incidents where I couldn't pull my words together. Pain levels were ok. Drive fairly normal. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

KETO Effects Journal Day 4

 Weighed in at 191 yesterday morning. My back wasn't too bad considering I worked in my carport and did a lot of physical work yesterday. No word issues that I can recall. Sex drive was normal. Not low or high. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

KETO Effects Journal Day 3

I wasn't perfect but ate better today! Had 75 carbs and 2474 calories. I Weight 193 this morning. I woke up with back pain but I did drive a lot yesterday. 

Worked on cleaning more of my carport and filling up our truck with more trash. Then loaded my car with more LEGO to take to work. I'm feeling pretty good considering. Just a bit tired from the heat.  The sex drive kicked in tonight! No word issues that I can recall.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll do even better! Onward!

Friday, July 26, 2024

KETO Effects Journal Day 2

 First, let's see how I felt in the last 24 hours when it comes to aches & pains, sex drive, word issues & mood. Well last night I noticed my hip ached pretty good going up the stairs and so did my hands. Sex drive wasn't bad last night. I was actually in the mood. Sex drive was still good this morning. My mood has been pretty even.  I could only recall having a word mess up once today. 

When  my sex drive was in overdrive, I'm assuming from premenopause, I would get these surges. When I had a really high sex drive we would have sex 3 to 5 times a day! Yeah, I know it's a lot. LOL! Anyway, I am only mentioning this because I seem to be having mild surges today. I will refer to surges a lot in my journal. 

Had a horrible carb day today. Had 152 carbs! Way more then I should have. Didn't do well when I got home. My calories were not too bad considering at 2225. I at least tracked what I ate today. Tomorrow I will do better. I have a busy day ahead with cleaning out my carport and reogranizing my LEGO room! I'm looking forward to the ladder. It is way past due as I am moving all my LEGO's & new sets I haven't built yet to work!Weighed in this morning at 194.6. No real movement but my scale was acting up! 

Let's hope tomorrow I do better and start getting back on track! If at first you don't succeed, try try again!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Time For A Reset! Keto Effects Journal Day 1

It's been a busy couple of months! I've enjoyed more carbs than I should have but I am ok with it! I've enjoyed my summer thus far.

I weighed in at 194.6. A bit high but I just came back from 2 weeks at my camp. I'm confident I'll drop a big chunk of that in no time. 

I've maintained for 2 years now for the most part. Now it's time to actually see how my low carb diet is benefiting me outside of weight loss!

I've spent all my life trying to lose this weight and now that I found a diet I can maintain it's time to focus on healthy habits and the benefits of choosing healthy eating! 

Memory issues and Alzheimer's/Dementia run in my family. I switch my words a lot. When I eat more carbs, it seems worse. My joints seem to ache more and my mood isn't as good. I'm also going through premenopause. One symptom I have had with premenopause is high sex drive off and on. But I'm not sure how much the sex drive is premenopause or some of the effects of the keto diet or a combination of both. Including my better mood! Believe me it's a good thing and I'm hoping the keto diet has played a roll with my better mood and higher sex drive. It's seems to slump when I eat more carbs.

So I want to keep a daily journal of how I'm feeling to get a better idea of how the diet is effecting me in positive ways. I think once I can clearly track how beneficial this diet is to my health outside of weight loss I will be more encouraged to stick to it and not allow myself really heavy carb days. Everything in moderation right! 

When I eat a lot of carbs it seems to cause these negative symptoms but I've never documented it to be sure. This time I am going to write a daily journal so I can track how I feel on good and bad days. I have to do this even when I fall off the wagon. It's the only way to know for sure the positive effects the diet is having on my body.

Yesterday I had a ton of carbs to get it out of my system. One thing I do know is my cravings for carbs gets worse the more I eat them. I also ate something that didn't agree with me and I was up at 1:30 am with bad stomach cramps. I feel better today! I don't think it was any of the carbs I ate but some cream cheese that wasn't quite right.

My goal for the first 2 to 4 weeks is to be under 50 grams a day. I want to see if I can notice much difference between 20 and 50 carbs. So I'm starting with 50. 

Today I had 68 carbs and 1588 calories. Coming off carbs can take a few days to hit my goal but I'll get there. Tomorrow I'll work harder to stay under but I don't think today was bad for my first day of getting back to focusing on the real reason I chose the Keto diet, the many health benefits! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

KETO Ice Cream Using The Ninja Creami Deluxe

Keto Vanilla Ice Cream (24oz Size Pint)

6 Eggs

6 Tbsp Butter (Melted)

1/4 Cup Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup

1/4 Tsp Xanthum Gum

1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

1/2 Tsp Vanilla Extract

Scramble Eggs in a dry pan. Just enough to be cooked. Place eggs in a blender and add melted butter and remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth. Add to 24oz pint container. Freeze for 12 to 24 hours. Choose the full option on your Ninja Creami Deluxe and the choose "Lite Ice Cream". This will blend for 4 minutes. Should come out smooth. You can respin if need be to get it creamier.