03/28/20 - It has now been 18 days since COVID 19 really started having a negative impact on our lives. So I've decided to keep a journal here on my weight loss blog of all that has happened.
Timeline of the last 18 days ~
3/10/20 - Middlebury College decides to close the school for several weeks, possibly the remainder of the school year. In the days following we lose over $7000 in reservations for March and April not to mention the reservations we will not get because events have been cancelled.
3/12/20 - 2 Confirmed cases in Addison County. The school cancels all community events and field trips.
3/15/20 - I was announced that school would close Wednesday 03/18/20. The closure was scheduled to 4/6/20 but with the possibility it could be extended.
3/15/20 - The state is now recommending against large public gatherings so we announce our annual Easter egg hunt will be cancelled this year at the candy store.
3/16/20 - We are informed school will close as of today Monday 3/16/20. No school on Tuesday after all.
3/18/20 - I get a call from the John Graham Shelter looking to house 7 people that are at high risk if the get the virus. We get 7 rooms booked on 3/19/20 for 2 weeks. Thank goodness, motel income!
3/18/20 - With the increased scare of COVID-19 we announce at the candy store that we will require all customers to wear gloves when shopping since we sell mostly bulk items. We also go through and sanitize everything!
3/20/20 - Candy store is slowing down so I decide to layoff Naomi since she has been out sick and is planning on being gone for a trip the following weekend. We also announce our hours will be changing and decide to close Mondays & Tuesdays at the candy shop.
3/23/20 - Get a long term stay of a gentleman who is waiting for an apartment. He is with us until May 1 at the minimum. That leaves us one room to rent out off and on. Great news! Things are looking up!
3/24/20 - One person from John Graham moves out. Still doing ok.
3/24/20 - The governor announces all business need to work from home if possible. I am considered a food business so I was required to close the shop by 5pm the next day to all in person transactions. I had to call and inform Missy she was laid off. With the decrease in sales, there is no way I can afford to keep her on.
3/25/20 - I spent all day coming up with an online solution so people can order online or by phone and have their orders shipped or set a time for curb side pick up. We are desperately trying to keep some money flowing through the candy store. The online option was set up by the end of the day. The store front closed officially at 5pm.
3/25/20 - I get a call from EDS. They want to extend the 6 remaining rooms until April 15th! This is great news!
3/25/20 - Someone else takes over room 7 from EDS. We now have 7 rooms booked until mid April!
3/26/20 - Orders are trickling in for the candy store!
3/26/20 - Governor Scott announces that schools will be closed for the rest of the school year. Long distance learning will continue at home. Kids are really bummed not to see their friends.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Weekly Weigh In
03/28/20 - I have had a bit of a rough week with eating. The stress of the COVID-19 pandemic and it's effects on my business have been hard to get through. There is constant worry and I do turn to food for comfort. I know I shouldn't, but I do. I will keep working on trying not to do that. Plus the gym closed last Saturday so that has been a whole other challenge I am dealing with!
Here are my numbers:
Weight: 248.8 up 3.4 pounds from last Saturday.
Average Calories In: 2425
Average Calories Out: 2730
Average Steps: 9842
Days Of Exercise: 6
Average Time: 45 to an 1 hour. Did a 90 minute walk on Monday!
Yes my weight went up but I honestly think that is due to stress! I'm going to try to get back to a normal routine this week and hope I can drop the now 5 pounds I am up over the last 2 weeks! All I can do is try my best to get through all this, just like the rest of us!
Here are my numbers:
Weight: 248.8 up 3.4 pounds from last Saturday.
Average Calories In: 2425
Average Calories Out: 2730
Average Steps: 9842
Days Of Exercise: 6
Average Time: 45 to an 1 hour. Did a 90 minute walk on Monday!
Yes my weight went up but I honestly think that is due to stress! I'm going to try to get back to a normal routine this week and hope I can drop the now 5 pounds I am up over the last 2 weeks! All I can do is try my best to get through all this, just like the rest of us!
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Just How Out Of Shape Am I?
03/21/20 - If you want to find out how out of shape you are, hop on one of these!! I barely managed to do 5 minutes on the elliptical machine and my legs still feel it tonight! I did this around 11:30 this morning! 🤪😮
Well when the gym reopens I know what I'm working on! My next goal, to reach 10 minutes on this thing! 😉
Well when the gym reopens I know what I'm working on! My next goal, to reach 10 minutes on this thing! 😉
Weekly Weigh In
03/21/20 - I am up to 245.4 pounds. Up 2 pounds from last Saturday. Like I said last week, I am not going to focus on the scale so much. I started weight training Tuesday and had extra carbs this week so I'm sure those are contributing factors!
But lets focus on what I've done well!
Visits To The Gym This Week - 6!
Average Time - 45 minutes +
Average Calories Burn Per Day - 2863
Average Calories Consumed Per Day - 2060
Average Steps Per Day - 9494
Visits To The Gym This Week - 6!
Average Time - 45 minutes +
Average Calories Burn Per Day - 2863
Average Calories Consumed Per Day - 2060
Average Steps Per Day - 9494
Gym Time Breakdown -
Saturday - 15 min Treadmill, 15 min Elliptical, 30 min swim
Sunday - 15 min Treadmill, 15 min Elliptical, 15 TKD Patterns
Monday - 15 min Treadmill, 15 min Elliptical, 5 min Bike
Tuesday - 2 hours Going Over Weight Training, 30 min Swim; Walked At Home 30 min
Thursday - 15 min Weight Lifting, 15 min Treadmill, 15 min Elliptical
Friday - 15 min Weight Lifting, 10 min Treadmill, 10 min Elliptical, 30 min Swim
I didn't have quite as many steps per day compared to last week, my calorie intake was higher and my calorie burn lower but I would still consider this a successful week!
It has been a very stressful week. As a small business owner, it's muddy waters right now and we just hope we can survive this! So I have allowed myself more carbs this week! I did get bad news today, my gym closed as of 4pm today. I knew it was coming but it still sucks and I do understand why. I did get in a workout today before then. There has been very few people going and we have taken all the necessary precautions while there.
But I'm determined to continue working out 6 days a week!! I am forming a home plan as we speak! Walking on my 13 acres is definitely in the plan!
Saturday, March 14, 2020
What Am I Burning For Calories?
03/14/20 - Now that I am exercising more I wanted to see what kind of calories I am burning based on my amount of exercise. And here is what I found.
I figure either way I am at least reaching a 500 calorie deficit on average per day. That is one pound a week. So I will run with it, get healthy and I am sure the weight loss will follow.
Weekly Check In
03/14/20 - My Facebook group checks in once a week on Saturdays. Here is my week in review.
Down to 243.4 - Loss of .06 from last Saturday.
Gym - 6 Days This Week
Average Calories Burned Per Day - 3165
Average Calorie Intake Per Day - 1852
Average Steps Per Day - 11,030
Down to 243.4 - Loss of .06 from last Saturday.
Gym - 6 Days This Week
Average Calories Burned Per Day - 3165
Average Calorie Intake Per Day - 1852
Average Steps Per Day - 11,030
Gym Time Breakdown ~
Saturday - Treadmill 15 min, TKD Patterns 15 minutes, Sitting Elliptical 15 minutes
Sunday - Treadmill 15 min, TKD Patterns 15 minutes, Sitting Elliptical 15 minutes
Monday - Treadmill 15 min, TKD Patterns 15 minutes, Sitting Elliptical 15 minutes
Tuesday - Treadmill 15 min, Sitting Elliptical 15 minutes, Swimming 30 minutes
Thursday - Treadmill 20 min, Sitting Elliptical 20 minutes, Swimming 32 minutes
Friday - Treadmill 15 min, TKD Patterns 15 minutes, Sitting Elliptical 15 minutes, Swimming 25 minutes.
Whether the scale reflects it or not, I would say I had a great week!
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Upping My Game!
03/10/20 - I upped my game this morning! I have increased my step count goal from 7,000 to 10,000 steps and I have upped my exercise goal from 10 minutes 5 days a week to 30 minutes 5 days a week! I am confident I can reach my goal 5 days out of the week. The step count on my off days from the gym maybe more challenging, but if I reach it great, if I don't those days, that is ok, too.
Met With Our Personal Trainer!
03/10/20 - I had an awesome meeting with our personal trainer today! We had 2 hours combined with her today for my husband and I. We talked for 2.5 hours!! We didn't get on any equipment BUT she taught us a lot. We covered a lot of information and will be going into this with lots of great advice and help.
She set out a plan for both of us and explained how to listen to our bodies so we don't over do it, how we should focus on our goals of getting stronger and flexible and not focus on the scale to measure our success. I really like her approach to exercise. Next Tuesday we will meet with her to actually start strength training on the machines! I'm super excited and feel less overwhelmed in knowing this doesn't have to be hard. I also learned that I don't have to do a ridiculous amount of work to see results!
I'm really glad we took the time to chat for our first meeting. I think a good trainer really takes the time to listen and learn about their client and make sure to tailor the workout to fit who they are and what their goals are. And I really appreciated the fact that she took time to do that and explained a lot to us about exercise in general and weight training. She also cleared up a lot of misconceptions.
Even though we didn't do any exercise with the trainer today. I had a great day at the gym afterwards! 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of swimming! I got 12,000 steps in today! I'll call that a win!
She set out a plan for both of us and explained how to listen to our bodies so we don't over do it, how we should focus on our goals of getting stronger and flexible and not focus on the scale to measure our success. I really like her approach to exercise. Next Tuesday we will meet with her to actually start strength training on the machines! I'm super excited and feel less overwhelmed in knowing this doesn't have to be hard. I also learned that I don't have to do a ridiculous amount of work to see results!
I'm really glad we took the time to chat for our first meeting. I think a good trainer really takes the time to listen and learn about their client and make sure to tailor the workout to fit who they are and what their goals are. And I really appreciated the fact that she took time to do that and explained a lot to us about exercise in general and weight training. She also cleared up a lot of misconceptions.
Even though we didn't do any exercise with the trainer today. I had a great day at the gym afterwards! 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of swimming! I got 12,000 steps in today! I'll call that a win!
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Positive Strides Forward
03/08/20 - I've had a great few days! I have been to the gym 3 times this week since signing up on Thursday! We are still working out a regular schedule. But so far so good!
My step count has been amazing:
Sun - 6686
Mon - 9385
Tues - 21680 (There was a glitch with my fitbit. I did about 9036 steps that day)
Wed - 5136
Thurs - 10241
Fri - 9833
Sat - 11561
My step goal each day is 7000 steps. Although I had 2 lighter days, I have done really well 5 days out of the week! I may raise it back up to 10000 steps per day as my goal!
I weighed in on Saturday at 244. Down 2.6 from last week. I have lost all my gain from vacation! Best of all I am down 1.4 pounds from my pre-vacation weight!
I am really feeling positive about the changes I am making. I have really been enjoying the gym and look forward to meeting with our personal trainer for the first time on Tuesday.
My step count has been amazing:
Sun - 6686
Mon - 9385
Tues - 21680 (There was a glitch with my fitbit. I did about 9036 steps that day)
Wed - 5136
Thurs - 10241
Fri - 9833
Sat - 11561
My step goal each day is 7000 steps. Although I had 2 lighter days, I have done really well 5 days out of the week! I may raise it back up to 10000 steps per day as my goal!
I weighed in on Saturday at 244. Down 2.6 from last week. I have lost all my gain from vacation! Best of all I am down 1.4 pounds from my pre-vacation weight!
I am really feeling positive about the changes I am making. I have really been enjoying the gym and look forward to meeting with our personal trainer for the first time on Tuesday.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Joined The Gym Today
03/05/2020 - We joined Vermont Sun fitness center this morning! We are taking the plunge and also going to hire a personal trainer. Us meaning my husband and I! I am excited but also nervous. I am hoping the personal trainer will challenge me. But I know being challenged won't be easy! But I can do this and I have to do this! I have lots of drive and passion that I will put into this. I really just want to get healthy.

This week is moving right along. I did weigh in at 247 this morning. But I started my period this morning. Plus I ate out the last 2 nights, so that can make me go up. I was good though. Got a salad at Moe's last night and did the salad bar on Tuesday night. My carbs have been a little high and around 125 the last 2 days so I continue to work on keeping that down.
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