Friday, April 5, 2024

After Easter Check In

 I finally found some time to check in tonight. It's been an interesting week so far with my weight. I'm glad to report my weight is actually under what I was right before Easter. This is the lowest I have been since 3/27 when I was 182.6. I did great over Easter! I had a couple of servings of chocolate and a nice brunch as my main meal that day. I was really good all this week. My weight still decided it needed to be all over the place. I was 184 yesterday! But I have been eating pretty well since Easter. Carbs have been a little high but under 50 and I'm still in moderate ketosis. I've been below my burned calories everyday, including Easter and most of the time at least 1000 calories below. 

I think I am pretty much done trying to figure out my body. I am just trying to keep eating healthy like I have been. I will try to start eating under 20 grams of carbs again starting on Monday. I bought some strawberries, as they looked really good, so I want to eat those up before trying to stay under 20 grams again. 

Here is today's weigh in:

I am happy with that and hope I can continue to head in the right direction as my period is mostly over at this point. March 27 was the last day of meals I checked in with. Here is a general synopsis of how I did:
March 28 - 975 calories 17g carbs
March 29 - 1417 calories 70g carbs (Friday Ham Dinner)
March 30 - 1136 calories 53g carbs (Out With A Friend All Day, Had Popcorn)
March 31 - 1896 calories 57g carbs (Easter)

April 1 - 682 Calories 11g carbs
April 2 - 1491 Calories 35g carbs
April 3 - 1032 calories 29g carbs
April 4 - 1278 calories 43g carbs

My high carb days were during Easter weekend but I am really proud of how well I did! I have been really really hungry this week so I am glad I've done as well as I have! Here is how my weight has been. 

3/29/24 - 183.8
3/30/24 - 183.8
4/2/24 - 183.46
4/4/24 - 185
4/5/24 - 182.4

March Totals: 
3/1/24 - 185.6
3/30/24 - 183.8
Loss Of 1.8 pounds!!

Hey, at least I lost something during the month of March rather then nothing at all or worst yet gaining! So I'm glad to at least see some type of loss for the month! Since I started on 2/24/24 I have lost 12.4 pounds as of today. 

It's interesting because when I was in the lower 180's when originally trying to lose my 100 pounds I struggled to get down to the 170's then, too. So hopefully once I hit the 170's again I will continue to drop! I don't have a lot going on that should disrupt my diet so hopefully I will enter a downward trend in the coming weeks! Fingers crossed! 

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