Friday, March 3, 2017

Down 2 Pounds But Most Importantly...

I'm working on the why's of my eating issues!

I've been having a pretty good week eating wise so I am feeling confident going into tomorrows weigh in. I have gotten a little exercise but not as much as I would have liked. I've been suffering from a cold and that has been leaving me tired. I am hopeful that next week my energy level will return!

I have been watching episodes from "My 600LB Life" and find them extremely motivating. I am thankful that I never ended up that large. 300 pounds was large enough for me to realize I needed to do something if I wanted to live a good long life.

I have watched the show before in the past. But this time around, the show is bringing back many memories for me and stirring up emotions and feelings of why I over eat. I've had tears over it over the last couple of days.

One of the things that I hear over and over again is to write these feelings down on paper. Well I did yesterday and it felt good to actually let all of it out and get it down on paper. Brad (my husband) read it. We had a good cry together! I have several things that happened to me as a child that have caused my eating issues. So it was a really hard and emotional letter to write.

I can totally see how stirring up all those emotions effected my eating. I ate more then I should have yesterday but still kept some control. But most importantly, I really recognized for the first time how stress and emotions play into my eating. It was as clear as day yesterday. Clearer then it ever had been before. I do eat when I get emotional or stressed out. It's like I am filling a void with food. Yes, I do love food! But it is even more clear to me now that I use food for more then just enjoyment and to sustain my body. I am an emotional eater. Plain and simple! I've always knew it, I've always thought it but I've never come out and said it!

The good news is I didn't let eating get out of control yesterday and thought of other ways to deal with it then pigging out. So yes, I ate more calories then I had planned yesterday, but not to the point of gaining weight. So that is a win for me.

I weighed in this morning and I am down 2 pounds this week! For only having 3 good days of eating this week, I would say that was not too shabby!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I'm going to stick my nose in here and offer my two cents. I've had success losing weight on the "Rice Diet" - no, it isn't just eating rice. The main thing about the Rice Diet, and the reason I'm having luck with keeping off the weight I lost (80# three years ago) is to avoid two things: salt and sugar. These two things will eventually kill good intentions and you will regain weight if they aren't "mostly" avoided. Salt and sugar drive your appetite. The diet doesn't really matter bcz you will lose weight on any diet. The problem is sticking to it, and not regaining. Try an experiment and drastically limit your salt and sugar intake for 2-3 days. You will be amazed when you find your appetite has gone away. I've had times when I was on the severely restricted calorie intake diet and bcz I did away w/salt & sugar, I've actually stuck food in the MW to heat, and my husband's found it hours later bcz I forgot to eat it! Good luck to you
