Thursday, June 17, 2021

Day 221 - Doin' Alright!

I have a confession, I have been checking my weight on a daily basis since Sunday morning. Just to track how I'm doing and to watch the fluctuations. I was at 233 on Sunday but back down to 231 this morning. I expected my weight to jump up. It always does after a free day. But even with my period starting this week, it's going back down! So that is positive! I am still hopeful for a loss this week by time I weigh in on Saturday! Fingers crossed!

I have been allowing myself bigger lunches to help with some of the cravings I have had with my period being this week and that seems to be helping. I've been a little over my calories each day but that is better then me eating 1900 calories each day, like when I snacked on some chocolate earlier this week! I start my vacation on Saturday. So after that I hope to refocus and try my best to stick to my summer plan and have a possible loss each week and not just maintain! We shall see as my summer plan, to have 2 free days a week, is new for me to try. But I have my fingers crossed I will do well! If after a couple of weeks it doesn't seem to do the trick. I will make some adjustments. Here is to a great summer!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Day 212 - 220 A Little Struggle But Doing Ok

 The past few days have been a bit of a struggle. Went up to 1900 calories one day because I had a craving for chocolate.  I enjoyed my two days with my daughter and averaged about 3400 calories each of those days. Been going over my 1300 calories the other days by about 200 calories. So not the best week, but not the worst either. I started my period yesterday and I have to think it had a lot to do with my cravings this week. 

My vacation starts on Saturday so I am hopeful for a small loss come Saturday. I will do my best to stay on track the next 3 days so I can have a positive result on the scale. It can be a daily struggle some days but I'm trying to keep the faith! 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Day 211 - Finally In The 220's!!

Weighed in this morning and I am finally down into the 220's! Weighed in at 229.8. Not down as much as I would have liked for 20 days of work! Since I gained during my last official weigh in 10 days ago that gives me a net weight loss of .6 pounds. But I'll take it. Hoping for more weight loss by my next weigh in next Saturday! 

It's times like this that make losing weight so hard and tedious! I work so hard sometimes to see very little results. I am certainly feeling it in my clothes though! Can't put my 2 phones in my back pocket of some of my shorts or they make my shorts fall down. LOL! Time for a belt I suppose!

Today I have a free day. My son and husband are going on a camping trip so it will just be my daughter and I at the house. We are planning a couple of fun days together! So today will be a free day and tomorrow I will treat like a vacation day and not eat more then I burn. Then I will focus on getting back on track and hopefully having another loss next Saturday when I start my vacation!

Now I just need to keep the motivation and find my inner warrior and keep fighting the good fight!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Day 210 - Graduation Day Went Well, Struggling A Little Today

 Graduation day went well! I ate 1493 calories but burned 2994 calories! I am proud of my son as he was really nervous about doing his speech and he nailed it! It's an incredible gift to watch your children grow!

Today has been a bit of a struggle. I am craving stuff again, but I have been fighting it off all day! I had lunch at 11am! Still doing OK and will continue to make this day be a good one! Hopefully I will have a decent weigh in tomorrow!!

Me Today Wanting To Snack: 

But Me Trying To Be Good: 

Let's hope I win this battle today! LOL

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Day 208 & 209 - Busy Days!

Yesterday went much better. I had 1655 calories. Yes over I know, but I still managed an 1111 calorie deficit as I walked over 11K steps yesterday! I ate out the entire day but was busy with lots of errands and getting ready for my son's 5th grade graduation! Fun times, but busy times. 

We also purchased a new living room set yesterday. That meant I drove up to Burlington/Williston twice yesterday! Got home at 9pm! I will be glad to have Friday and Saturday to relax with Morgan! 

I am determined to stay focused for the next couple of days before my next weigh in on Friday! Fingers crossed that goes well! Today my son graduates from 5th grade! Such a wonderful milestone. I will go home and get him ready as we bought him a really nice outfit last night. I think he is excited to try it all on. Then we will come home and enjoy some time just hanging out and celebrating his milestone!


Monday, June 7, 2021

Day 207 - Happy Birthday Morgan! Still No Weight Movement!

 Today is my daughters birthday. She turns 15!! I did well yesterday even with ice cream and cake as I gave her the choice to have it one day early. We are still celebrating tonight with lasagna and the rest of her cake and ice cream. 

I weighed in this morning and had no movement in my weight. Still at 231.4. Disappointed but glad it was not a gain! But I can't lie, it does frustrate me! I worked really hard before my last weigh in. It's hard not to let it get to me. But I need to try!

Today has been hard. I have been craving everything. So I have decided to allow myself a free day. It's my daughters birthday, I can enjoy with out stressing over what I eat. Maybe I am justifying it, but so be it. It's been such a crazy week, it would be nice to have a break from everything and just be able to enjoy the day! I will still write everything down, but will allow myself some indulgence today!

I'm logging off from everything and just going to enjoy my day! 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Day 206-210 Extremely Busy Week!! New Plan For The Next Couple Of Weeks!

This has been an extremely busy week. I have driven over 20 hours between Tuesday - Saturday! So I'm feeling a bit tired!

I had to go to North Conway with my husband to drop off some furniture to my mother in law on Tuesday. That was about an 8 hour round trip drive. Then Wednesday I drove to Burlington and back to pick up some stuff at Home Depot for my kitchen remodel, that was 2 hours round trip. Then Friday & Saturday I took a trip to see my sister in Rochester, NY which was an 11 hour round trip drive! Phew! 

I was originally planning to try to stick around 1200 calories during my trip to see my sister, but changed my plan thanks to the inspiration of some delicious apple pie. LOL! I treated both days as vacation days and allowed myself more calories as long as I didn't go over what I burned. And I did not! So that was a win. I am still on track for a 10K deficit this zone period if I stay on track the rest of the week. I'm OK with that, even a little less would be OK with me as my daughters birthday is tomorrow! As summer gears up it is getting harder and harder to stick to the 1200 calorie plan for the 8 days with so much activities and travel going on, so I think I will begin my maintaining goal after my next weigh in. I would like to see a drop on the scale this next weigh in so I will do my best to stay on track so I can hopefully see a drop, especially since I gained last week and really shouldn't have!

My plan after I weigh in on Friday is to treat Friday & Saturday as vacation days and not go over what I burn. This is because my daughter and I have two nights to ourselves at home since my husband and son are going on a school camping trip! We plan on binge watching something and enjoying snacks and just some really good girls time! I am so looking forward to it! After that I will stick to have the rest of the week as zone days until I start my vacation on Saturday June 19. After vacation, I will start my 2 free days and 5 zone days per week! I think these are good changes and will prevent me from going off and spiraling backwards. Instead I will have a strong plan in place that is easy for me to maintain and continue to be successful! 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Day 205 - Not The Weigh In I Hoped For

Yesterday was a disappointing day. I won't lie. I actually gained a pound! Ugh!! But I took a moment to step back and think about the weigh in carefully. I woke up yesterday very bloated and I am pretty sure that was a major factor in my weight gain. I had over a 13,000 calorie deficit over the last 10 days. There is NO WAY I gained weight!! In my heart of hearts I know that, but I have to keep convincing my mind of the same. 

The other factor is, I know my clothes are getting looser! I can feel the weight loss even tough I couldn't see it this time around. My plan is to give it a few days and perhaps check again and see if a drop occurs. I will only do that if I'm confident that the bloating is totally gone. If not, I will just wait and weigh in on June 11th as planned. 

In the meantime, I am back on track today and ready to tackle the next 9 days for a better weigh in on June 11.